Played Party Hard 100 times
Completed all achievements
Died 100 times
Completed level with FBI
Completed level in 3 minutes
Completed the game
Killed 50 persons with horse
Killed all robbers in Casino level
Escaped cop 5 times
Passed level without traps 3 times
Completed level without found body
Poisoned 100 people
Killed 50 stunned persons
Killed person who runs to call police 20 times
Lost level with 1 alive person
Killed 1000 people
Killed 30 people without alarm in one level
Killed 10 people in a row
Killed 15 people in row
Killed 20 people in row
Got you ass kicked for dancing
Used traps 50 times
Hid 50 bodies
Killed 15 people with one car
Escaped from cop
Started Party Hard